Research Methods in Psychology
Research Methods in Psychology Editing Services provides an approach to the students for developing methodology strategies to conduct psychological research.

Published on: Jan 1, 1970
There are several methods, measurements and approaches which are applied in psychology. Psychologists use different types of tools and techniques for research methods. These researches and experiments can be simple to complicate. For a student of psychology, it is mandatory to know and understand some fundamental procedures to carry out psychological research. The research in psychology ranges from infant development to social behaviors. Psychologists use mostly scientific methods for these purposes.
Scientific Research Methods in Psychology
Psychological researches are conducted based on a scientific approach. A basic method is asking questions, study design, data collection, result analysis, and targeting the conclusions and findings. The scientific approach mainly focuses on the observations, data, theories, prediction testing and result interpretations. Behavior measurement and done on this basis. After conducting several research, psychologists conclude in the form of a theory. A theory is known as the description of information organized in separate pieces. Before concluding one must be sure that the research is replicable, precise, falsifiable etc.
Example 1. People have their theories related to aliens, vampires, and Bigfoot exist in this universe and even they hide themselves in undiscovered rocks and caves. The theory is not falsifiable. As the researchers can never find the evidence of their existence as well as these undiscovered rocks and caves.
Example 2. Lora is in ninth grade. Whenever she attends her literature calls, she falls asleep. She may interpret this problem differently. If she doesn’t have a scientific technique to analyze the situation she may find that literature is boring for her while in reality Jason, who sits next to his chair, sprays sleeping gas on her seat secretly.
The process of scientific goes like the following
Hypothesis, observations, refine theory, develop theory.
Experiments Research Methods in Psychology:
In experimental research, psychologists manipulate the variables, and control and measure the change in other variables. This approach involves independent variable manipulation under some controlled circumstances or conditions such as in experiments conducted in a laboratory are performed under controlled conditions. This is done to come up with a conclusion. This method is one of the most common methods used in all types of sciences. A famous approach to these experiments is lab experiments where psychologists can make desired control over the variables. Yes, there are some limitations of lab experiments. One major limitation is that what is done in the lab is not always as similar as the real world.
Correlational Research Methods in Psychology:
The simple meaning of correlation is association. It defines that how two variables can show the extent of relations with each other. There are various types of these variable correlations. Positive correlation tells if an increase in one variable tends to be associated with another. For example, the height and weight of a human. A taller person tends to be heavier. If the increase of a variable is due to a decrease in another variable then this type of correlation is known as a negative correlation. An example of a negative correlation is when we climb a mountain, we experience cold (height increased, temperature decreased). When the variables show no response of relationship with each other, this type of correlation is known as zero correlation. For example, there is no relation between the amount of juice drunk and beautiful handwriting.
Other research methodologies include lab experiments, field experiments, case studies, interviews (structured and unstructured), questionnaires, content analyses, pilot studies etc.
Research is conducted in every aspect of life. In our everyday life, we do analytical research to make logical decisions. In other domains such as business, law, case study, finance, marketing etc everywhere research is conducted.
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