
What Type of Questions Are Asked in IELTS Speaking

Ace the IELTS Speaking test with insights on question types, formats, and practice. Boost confidence and performance. Get expert assistance from Oz Assignments.

Published on: Feb 22, 2024


The speaking portion of the IELTS exam, which is sometimes regarded as the most stressful, evaluates your spoken English in an engaging and realistic environment. Although it's usual to be anxious, being conscious of the kinds of questions you can ask will greatly increase your performance and confidence. To aid you ace the IELTS speaking test, this blog explores the various question types, includes sample questions, and offers advice.


IELTS Speaking Test Format:


This test is generally divided into three parts, each intended to assess your English fluency and communication skills at different levels:

Part 1: Introduction and questions: The subjects of yourself, your interests, and your day-to-day activities are covered in this segment.

The examiner asks you to introduce yourself and state your name at the start of the first section of the test.

General inquiries about you, such where you reside and what you do for a living (i.e., job or study) will be made.

The questions will then cover a wide range of well-known ielts speaking topics. Your favourite films, music, food, and weather are a few examples of these subjects. Typically, one or two of these subjects will be covered in the questions.

The examiner will ask you pre-planned questions and pay close attention to your responses. Ask "Why?" if your response is too brief. They will ask: or "Why not?" to urge you to elaborate.

A portion of the test consists of questions and answers, with the emphasis being on your capacity to answer a range of questions thoughtfully about your experiences and provide information on current concerns.

Part 2: Individual Lengthy Turn: A cue card with a topic and detailed instructions will be provided to you. After one minute of preparation, you will speak for one to two minutes on the subject.

Duration: around three to four minutes

1. The examiner will assign you a topic and ask you to speak about it for one to two minutes following the section.

You will receive a card and writing utensil from the topic. This card will provide conversation starters and key topics for your speech on the subject.

Before launching into your presentation, you will have one minute to prepare and write. When it's time for an appointment, the auditor will use the programme to let you know.

The examiner will advise you when to begin and remind you that he has two minutes to complete your speech. Before going on to the following section, they can also have questions on your earlier remarks.

A portion of the exam gauges your capacity to use suitable language, arrange your thoughts logically, and explain your thoughts in detail regarding a certain subject. connection. Any long-term improvements can be accomplished with the use of personal experiences related to the issues.

Part 3: Discussion: The examiner will give you more questions that need more thinking and analysis, and they will base the discussion on the ideas from Part 2.

Time: About four to five minutes

3. The section's questions will centre on the key ideas you covered in Part 2. At this point, you'll talk about topics in greater and greater detail, showcasing your capacity for self-expression. Talk about your ideas and conduct in-depth analysis, discussion, and reflection on subjects.

For example, this part will begin with the idea of touring beautiful locations, and the first question will be: "You know what? What if your long-term objective is to be a beautiful tourist in your city? Do you wish to preserve stunning locations? Is it significant in your community?

Examiner He will meet with you in this portion and might ask you to express your thoughts. This section aims to assess your ability to successfully convey abstract ideas based on the individual differences covered in Chapters 1 and 2.

3. Your assessment in this section centres on how well you can articulate and communicate your ideas. Examine, debate, and consider a number of problems surrounding the broad subject you covered in Chapter 2.

Please visit the closest IDP IELTS test centre if you are eager to learn and are looking forward to the IELTS exam. They will offer you the last assistance.


IELTS speaking test sample questions:

General questions: These are meant to get you talking about yourself, your hobbies, and your experiences. They are open-ended, wide questions.

Example: "Tell me about your city." or “What do you like to do in your free time?”

What-Questions: These questions start with “who” and “what”. ," "When," "Where," "Why," and "How." They delve into various aspects of your life, thoughts, and experiences.

Example: "Why did you choose to learn English?" Oder "What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the education system today?" can be questioned to make sure they comprehended your response. To get you to demonstrate and broaden your vocabulary for ielts speaking and grammar, they could also pose follow-up queries. For instance: "Tell me Could you elaborate on this for me?" or "Can you explain a little more what you mean?"


IELTS Speaking test sample questions



1. Tell me about the type of housing you currently occupy.

2. Are you a renter or a homeowner?

3. Is it a large location?

4. Are there lots of amenities where you live?

5. What aspects of living there appeal to you?

6. Do you have any suggestions for improving your current residence?

7. How much time have you spent there?

8. Are you going to stay there a long time?

9. Does your current residence have a garden?



1. Do you enjoy seeing advertisements?

2. Will an advertisement influence your purchase decision?

3. What is your reaction when you see pop-up advertisements online?

4. Do you like serious or humorous ads?

5. What characteristics distinguish a strong advertisement?

6. Photography and Arts

7. Do you enjoy art?

8. Do you have a preference for taking photos?

9. Do you believe art classes are essential?

10. Do you prefer to take your own photos or have someone else do it?

11. How do you think art classes impact children's growth?

12. How frequently do you take photos?

13. What are the advantages of painting as a hobby?

14. Do you prefer photographing people or landscapes?

15. Do you prefer using a phone or a camera for photography?

16. Do you take many photos when you travel?

17. Do you enjoy looking at photos of yourself?

18. Have you displayed any of your photos in your home?


1. Are you a book reader? Why?

2. What is the frequency of your reading?

3. How many books do you own?

4. Which would you rather do: buy or borrow books?

5. What advantages does reading have?

6. Which book would you bring along for the long haul?

7. How simple is it for you to read English-language books?

8. Have you recently stopped reading a book?

9. What types of people enjoy reading and which types don't find it particularly enjoyable?

10. Which books are your favourites to read?

11. Which book is your all-time favourite?

12. Is reading books a common pastime in your nation?

13. Do you believe that eReaders and electronic books are superior to physical books?


Ielts speaking tips


1. Practice speaking English regularly: talk to native speakers, listen to good podcasts, and participate in language exchanges.

2. Expand content: Try to learn new words and expressions and improve your ability to express yourself clearly

3. Focus on well-written words: While grammatical accuracy is important, focus on speaking well and intelligently. minor mistakes.

4. Listen to the questions carefully: Listen to the questions and answers carefully, listen carefully to each part of the question.




Success in the IELTS Speaking test depends on your ability to comprehend the test's structure and questions. You will get the experience from this blog article, which is organised into three sections: an introduction, a hands-on demonstration, and a conversation. Additionally, we examined a variety of question formats, including general inquiries, which questions, and sample inquiries for a range of subjects, including publications, books, and assistance. Recall that familiarising yourself with the structure and practicing can boost your self-assurance and performance on test day. I hope your IELTS journey is successful! Don't forget, for individuals seeking further assistance with IELTS preparation or assignment help, Oz Assignments offers specialised services tailored to meet academic needs. Whether it's exam practice, speaking strategies, or academic content writing, Oz Assignments provides comprehensive support to students pursuing studies in language proficiency and beyond.

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