
10 Tips: How to Improve Your Spoken English

Discover 10 actionable tips to enhance your spoken English skills, boost fluency, confidence, and overcome fear of mistakes. Start speaking English confidently

Published on: Mar 21, 2024

The importance of spoken English cannot be overstated. The ability to communicate effectively is essential, regardless of whether it is professional or personal spoken English proficiency, it plays a huge role. Suppose you ask somebody if they want to improve their spoken English, they will always say yes. Speaking good English is a goal for many, but the problem is they are afraid to make mistakes and feel embarrassed. Additionally, fluency will make you more likely to feel confident, perfect to grab opportunities, and develop to your maximum potential. But don’t worry, you are not alone in this race. Let's discuss 10 tips & tricks so that you can easily achieve the level of English you want.

10 tips to Improve Spoken English

A. Practice Regularly: 

Practice makes a man perfect; it’s applicable when you are developing skills to improve spoken English. All you have to do is set the time each day for activities that you can perform in the style of speaking English, be it having a conversation, reading, or pronunciation exercises. At the beginning of your improvement journey, make sure to set aside at least 15 to 30 minutes of unlimited English-speaking time. You can also join a language exchange or find conversation partners. The more you practice with them, the more you’ll improve self-satisfied in your ability to express yourself in English. And you may feel that your spoken English is quite easy to use and comfortable. In your improvement journey, don’t be afraid of mistakes that help you learn all these concepts. Below are some suggestions that can help you add to your daily routine to get positive results.

1. Start the day with English: Try to begin your day with practice. It can be music, podcasts, movies, etc., and while doing your work, you can practice speaking on your own.

2. Use English Application: Use language learning applications on your mobile phone (e.g., Duolingo, Cambly) so that in your free time you can use them and engage.

3. Find the language buddy: Connect with somebody like your friend or neighbour who is also practising learning English through text or conversation.

4. Read English books: Make a habit of reading English books daily. It will improve your English grammar and sentence-making.

B. Listen Actively:

Engaging in active listening is a crucial skill that complements effective English speaking. It involves fully focusing on and comprehending the speaker's message. When listening to someone converse in English, always focus on what words they use, their tone, cadence, and pronunciation. This deepens your understanding and enhances your English-speaking abilities. Listening and comprehending develop your communication ability in English. You can get help from other sources like listening to podcasts, audiobooks, and YouTube videos related to the same content. This effective method exposes you to correct pronunciation, and with the help of audiobooks in your free time, you can download multiple books and listen to anything you want. Below are the techniques of active listening that will provide more help to understand.

1. Focus on the Speaker: Give focus to the speaker with your full attention, listen to them carefully, maintain eye contact, and avoid distractions.

2. Listen for Key Points: Pay attention to the main ideas and key points being conveyed rather than getting caught up in every single conversation.

3. Paraphrase and Summarize: Repeat back or summarize what the speaker has said, practice saying it again in your own way.

4. Ask Clarifying Questions: Don't hesitate to ask again if there's something you didn't understand or need more information about. That will help you to understand more quickly.

5. Avoid Interrupting: Let the speaker finish their thoughts on what they are saying, then ask questions or make the conversation continue to make effective communication.

6. Patience: Try to be patient in the running conversation and allow the speaker to express themselves fully without rushing or cutting them off.

C. Expand Vocabulary:

Having a wide range of words to choose from can help you enhance your ability to express ideas. In the daily routine, you should make a habit of learning through reading, listening, vocabulary exercises, and media consumption, vocabulary-building apps. Using these ways, you can get more words to learn. Other than that, you can make a big vocabulary list so that people pay attention to what you're saying, whether you're talking at work, chatting with friends, or writing something down. So basically, have a good amount of vocabulary list and at your fingertips, you feel more confident and sound more convincing no matter what the situation. 

Strategies for learning and retaining new words

1. Write Regularly: Practice learning new words and try to implement them in writing, whether it’s through journal entries, essays, or creative stories daily. It will improve your writing skills fast.

2. Teach others: Share newly learned words with your family and friends and make this habit regularly. It will build your vocabulary and give you motivation to learn more and it will solidify your memory retention through memory.

3. Explore Etymology: Learn about the origins and history of words to gain deeper insights into writing and speaking. Understanding etymology can help you make connections between related words and enhance a strong grip on vocabulary.

4. Create Flashcards: Write down new words on flashcards, along with their definitions and synonyms. Review these flashcards regularly, focusing on repeating and using them again and again so that they will permanently fit in your mind.

D. Speak Slowly and Clearly:

Clear speech improves understanding and confidence. If you speak with clarity and slowly, you can convey your message easily and make people understand you better and also you have time for what you want to say next. Speaking slowly makes you feel more confident in conversation. Let's delve into the techniques for improving clear pronunciation.:

1. Visualization Techniques: Mentally visualize the shape and movement of your mouth as you speak. This provides a clear view of your speaking and also helps improve pronunciation.

2. Recording Practice: While speaking, record yourself and listen back to identify areas of improvement. Hearing your voice allows you to find mistakes and mispronounced words.

3. Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from others, whether it's your friend, family, or any other known person. They will give you clear, truthful feedback on your pronunciation.

4. Practice Active Listening: Use some applications (e.g., Cambly) where you can connect with natives and talk to them live. They will guide you, and point out your mistakes, and you can actively listen to native speakers and follow their pronunciation patterns.

5. Break Down Difficult Words: Break down complex or difficult words into smaller portions and practice the pronunciation of each part separately, then put the words together and try to pronounce them correctly.

E. Engage in Conversations:

Engaging in conversations is crucial for enhancing your spoken English abilities. Conversations offer exposure to genuine language usage, aiding learners in becoming familiar with vocabulary, expressions, and tone. They also promote active listening skills and boost your confidence in communication. Learners can discover conversation opportunities through meetups, online platforms, classes, volunteering, and apps. Regular participation in conversations accelerates learners' progress in spoken English and enhances their proficiency as communicators. Furthermore, conversations provide a dynamic environment for practising pronunciation, receiving immediate feedback, and developing fluency in real-life situations. Here are some ways to engage in conversations:

1. Language Exchange Meetups: Take part in some applications and use social media to get in touch with natives who have proficiency in the English language. You can also take online language exchange meetups where you can engage in English conversations with native speakers and fellow language enthusiasts.

2. Social Media Groups: Join language learning communities on social media platforms to connect with other learners and organize language exchange sessions.

3. Language Classes or Clubs: Enroll in language courses or participate in conversation clubs offered by community centres or schools to gain structured practice opportunities.

4. Volunteer as a Tutor: Offer tutoring in your native language in exchange for English conversation practice, benefiting both you and your conversation partner.

F. Use Online Resources:

Utilizing online resources is an excellent method for improving spoken English abilities. These platforms are user-friendly, allowing learners to access interactive exercises and language communities at their convenience. They offer a diverse range of materials suited to various learning styles and proficiency levels, comprising courses, tutorials, and multimedia content. Learners can participate in interactive activities, quizzes, and language exchange sessions to hone their skills and connect with others. By listening to native speakers and leveraging online tools, learners can enhance their English speaking skills, confidence, and fluency. Furthermore, online resources create a supportive environment for learners to monitor their progress, receive feedback, and remain motivated on their language learning journey. Here are some recommended websites, applications, and podcasts:


1. FluentU: Learn through English
2. ELSA: AI & Speak English
3. Duolingo: Language learning
4. HelloTalk: Language exchange
5. Cambly teacher app: Language learning supporter


1. Voice of America: Learning English
2. Minute English from BBC
3. The English We Speak
4. All Ears English
5. Better at English


1. English Central (https://www.englishcentral.com/browse/videos)
2. Busuu (https://www.busuu.com/)
3. Memrise (https://www.memrise.com/)
4. Learn English Online (https://www.learn-english-online.org/)
5. My Language Exchange (https://www.mylanguageexchange.com/)

G. Mimic Native Speakers:

Mimicking native speakers requires replicating their pronunciation, pitch, and rhythm when speaking a language. This technique is helpful for English language learners to improve their spoken proficiency. By closely following the native speaker's speech pattern, try to learn how they pronounce words and overall fluency. Mimicry allows learners to follow the sounds and rhythms of the language, thus making their speech more authentic and easier for native speakers to understand. Overall, mimicking native speakers is a practical and effective way for learners to refine their spoken language skills. Here are some techniques to help you with this:

1. Recall: Recall the sound, speech pattern, and poetry that you hear in the target's native accent. Try to repeat that sound so that you can also catch this accent quickly.

2. Overhear: Pay attention to the spoken language produced by native speakers and attempt to listen to whatever form of sound is easier for you to perceive. The more native speakers you listen to, the more familiar you’ll be with pronunciation, rhythm, and pitch.

3. Practice: Practice every noise and phonetic aspect of the target's native accent.

H. Record Yourself:

Recording yourself when practising speaking gives you more valuable insights into your language abilities. It shows a clear picture of how you speak to others and helps you become more aware of any areas that may need refinement. Additionally, by reviewing your recordings regularly, you can pinpoint specific areas for improvement and tailor your language practice accordingly. This technique shows self-change motivation as you witness your progress and achievements over time. Overall, recording yourself speaking is a powerful tool for honing your language skills and advancing your proficiency in the target language. Recording yourself allows you to:

1. Evaluate Pronunciation: Listen to how you pronounce words and sounds to native speakers. Identify any pronunciation errors or areas where you need to improve your clarity.

2. Assess Rhythm and Stress: Take note of the music and rhythm of your talking. Analyze the natural flow in spoken language to improve pronunciation and fluency. It helps learners develop a more natural and expressive speaking style.

3. Evaluate Fluency: Check how smoothly you speak, whether there are stops or hesitations in speech. Aim at improving fluency by speaking with more confidence without interruption or uncertainty.

4. Keep an Eye on Progress: Record yourself often to check how much progress you have made over time. Compare this with previous recordings done at different times.

5. Feedback Is Important: Let language partners, tutors, or instructors listen to your recording for feedback on your general communication skills, intonation, and pronunciation upon which one can base specific improvement points.

I. Read Aloud:

Reading aloud refers to a technique of learning a language in which people speak about written text. This method is useful for pronunciation, fluency, understanding, and speaking with confidence. When you engage in reading out loud, you help in developing confidence while speaking as an individual and also in front of anybody. Improving Pronunciation: If the learner wants to improve pronunciation, you need to speak and practice pronunciation words regularly. By vocalizing the text, learners can focus on speaking each word clearly. Enhancing Fluency: Regularly reading aloud helps to improve fluency by increasing the speed and rhythm of speech. As learners become more used to the way of speaking, they better develop a natural flow in their speaking and pronunciation, which contributes to smoother and more confident communication. Building Vocabulary: By discovering new words and making use of them while speaking and writing, you can strengthen your vocabulary and understanding of grammar and syntax. Boosting Confidence: Practicing reading aloud helps learners build confidence in their speaking abilities. As they become more comfortable in vocalizing text, they gain confidence in their pronunciation, fluency, and overall communication skills.

J. Don’t Fear Mistakes:

This is a reminder that “don’t fear mistakes.” Everybody in their learning phase makes mistakes and errors, but do not be afraid of them; try to face and accept your mistakes and correct them. Mistakes can be seen as platforms for improving language skills. You should let your language partners or tutors know about the errors you made. You must develop an attitude of growth that puts progress above perfection. Stay motivated and ready to learn a new language. Every failed attempt is just another stepping stone to success. Therefore, with persistence and positivity, all difficulties will be overcome, and eventually, you will be fluent in English. Hence, keep learning, keep making mistakes, and keep growing.

1. Learning Opportunity: Mistakes are an unavoidable part of the learning process. But never see them as failures; view your mistakes as learning opportunities. Each mistake provides insight into areas that require improvement, guiding you toward greater proficiency in the language.

2. Overcoming Fear: Fear of making mistakes can slow your learning progress. It may lead to hesitation, self-consciousness, and reluctance to practice speaking. By adopting a mindset that making mistakes is part of life, if you make mistakes, then only you will work hard and overcome this fear, always approach language learning with confidence and resilience.

3. Encouraging Growth: Mistakes are indicators of areas where you can improve yourself and have high chances to grow. By acknowledging and learning from mistakes, you can purify your language skills, expand your vocabulary, and enhance your understanding of grammar and syntax. Each mistake is a step to getting more proficient.

4. Persistence and Resilience: Accepting mistakes requires persistence and resilience. It involves acknowledging setbacks and persisting in your language-learning journey. By adopting a growth mindset and focusing on progress rather than perfection, you can overcome challenges and continue to make strides in your language skills.

Additional Tips:

Now that we've discussed these tips, let's delve into more tips to enhance your spoken English abilities. 

1. Communication is Key: We all know grammar is the rule to make meaningful sentences, but in the end, if you do not speak and practice this will only be theoretical so the more English you speak, the better your English will be. Forget about being perfect and never let the fear of making mistakes stop you from expressing yourself clearly. To improve your speaking skills in English and build fluency by increasing your self-confidence, practice active listening through meaningful dialogues. Also, engage in regular conversations with native speakers or language partners to immerse yourself in real-life language use and gain valuable feedback on your communication.

2. Set SMART Goals: When setting goals for your language learning process, follow the SMART rule that is - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. Specific goals help you narrow down exactly what you want to achieve, while measurable goals enable you to track progress. Make sure that your goals are realistic within an achievable timeframe. By having clear aims at all times, it will be easier for you to stay focused and motivated towards improving spoken English proficiency. Moreover, break down your larger language learning goals into smaller, manageable tasks to maintain momentum and celebrate progress along the way.

3. Learn from Mistakes: Instead of seeing mistakes as failures, adopt them as valuable learning opportunities. For example, think first, why did I make this mistake? How could I have done better in my spoken English? Every error can allow us to improve ourselves. So never neglect your mistakes and try to improve them. Additionally, keep a journal or log of your language learning journey, noting down common errors and strategies for improvement. Regularly review and reflect on your mistakes to track your progress and see how far you've come in your spoken English proficiency.



In conclusion, these tips are like a universal guide to improving spoken English. Students making consistent active listening practice, participating in conversations, and setting SMART objectives are improving their spoken English fast. It is important to adopt mistakes as a chance for development and value communication over correct grammatical structures. Remember that development takes time and dedication, so just stay patient and persistent with your language learning process. Just be determined and keep trying, and soon you’ll speak English with confidence and clarity.

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